Campaigns help you raise money for specific projects and collect pledges, or recurring donations from listeners.
Your listeners can...
Pledge any amount, one time or recurring.
Give any amount to the campaign, one time or recurring.
We'll remind them of their pledges based on the frequency they chose.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1: In your Dashboard, select Contribution in the dropdown menu.
Select Campaigns in the side menu.
Step 2: Select Add Campaign.
Step 3: Enter Campaign information and select Save.
Your Campaign is officially set up!
The gifts that are pledged will show up in your Donations tab under the Contribution module. They are tagged with the fund you've chosen to accompany the campaign.
Step 4: Select the Show eyeball icon to view your Campaign.
This will open the campaign donation page in a separate tab.
After listeners have Pledged or Given, they can register or log in to their account to track their progress on their Pledge.