The mass communication feature allows you to reach any or all your listeners with just a few clicks! This article will provide step-by-step instructions on how to filter, select, and send texts and emails to that custom selected group of people.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Step 1: In your Dashboard, select the People module in the dropdown menu.
Step 2: Select People in the Features menu.
Step 3: Search or filter people using the top drop down categories or the search bar
You may also use the arrows next to each field to sort by name, email, phone #, gender, volunteer interest, life stage, or date created.
Step 4: Select the check boxes next to the people you would like to message then select the settings wheel button, then Mass Communication
Step 5: To send a text or email to everyone in the People section, select All from the Per Page menu, then select the top check box.
Step 6: Then select if you would like to send an email or an SMS text to the selected people.
Email- You can add images, attachments, links, videos, etc. just like you would in a normal email.
You can also create lists or groups to send messages to!
Step 7: To Schedule Mass Communications, select "Send Email", or "Send SMS", and you will see at the top a checkbox that says "Schedule".