Adding a YouTube Channel or Playlist allows you to embed all of your past content quickly and easily.
While migrating your past content over to Radio Base, this is a great way to have your content available for your listeners on your brand new app and/or website.
How to Add a YouTube Channel or Playlist
Step 1: Select the App module then Pages from the Features menu.
Step 2: Select Create Page and select the Video page.
Step 3: Select YouTube Playlist or YouTube Channel depending on which one you are using for your Video Source.
Step 4: Go to your YouTube playlist or channel and copy your YouTube playlist code or channel code from the URL. (The string of numbers and letters at the end of the url).
Playlist Code:
Channel Code:
Step 5: Paste the code into the box next to Playlist ID.
Step 6: Select Page Enabled and whether the page will show in the PWA, be private, or remove the Listen Live feature from the page. Click Save once the settings are configured.