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Listener Analytics

In this article you will find how to access the analytics tools for your Radio Base product!

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Written by Support
Updated over 10 months ago

RadioBase provides you with useful analytics to see how listeners are using your app and website to consume content.

This allows you to easily see the most popular content within your app and website, and information about your demographics, which helps you to know which content to produce more of.

Listener Analytics: Dashboard

Step 1: In your Radio Base Dashboard, select the Analytics module in the dropdown menu. Select Listener Analytics in the Features menu, and then Dashboard.

Step 2: Select the date ranges that you are interested in and select refresh.

Step 3: At the top you will see the most common analytics as listed below.

Total Listens: The total amount of tracks listened to

Unique Listeners: The number of individual devices/listeners that have connected to your station

Peak Listeners: The maximum amount of listeners at one time

Average Listening Time: The average amount of time users spent listening to the radio player during one session

Step 4: Next is the Radio Station Total Listens graph.

This graph shows the total listens per day broken down by the App vs PWA for the selected time period. You may also change it to display total listens overall for each day by selecting the down arrow.

Step 5: Next is the Demographics chart.

This chart displays a breakdown of your listeners based on Gender, Age, or Country they are listening from!

Step 6: Finally, at the bottom of the page you will find rankings for the Top Songs and Top Shows for the selected time period.

Listener Analytics: Charts

Step 1: In the left side bar, under Listener Analytics, select Charts

Here you will see a display of the Songs at the top and Shows/Podcasts at the bottom of the page for a selected time period.

Songs can be sorted based on Listens, Unique Listeners, Likes, or Dislikes.

Shows can be sorted based on Listens and Unique Listens to get an idea of how they rank.

Listener Analytics: App

Step 1: In the left side bar, under Listener Analytics, select App

Here you will find a breakdown of data related to listeners using your app for the selected time period.

Step 2: The graph on the left displays Unique Listeners or Average Listen Time per day based on your selection

The chart on the right shows a breakdown of the number of installs and what type of device the app was installed on.

Step 3: At the bottom of the page, you will find additional information about whether visitors are new or returning, and a breakdown of their demographics which can be displayed by gender, age, or country.

Listener Analytics: PWA

Step 1: In the left side bar, under Listener Analytics, select PWA.

The graph can display Unique Listeners or Average Listen Time, you can change this by selecting the down arrow.

The chart shows Mobile listens vs Desktop listens.

Additional Visitor and Demographic information is displayed at the bottom of the page.

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